Prince Of The Lake

Immanion Press, 2004

The story of a man who becomes a hero. A saga about the early life of the Gothic Prince, Beowulf Wagmunding, Earl of Slane, and his cousin, Athelstan of Karron Tha, known as Hawkeye. According to Beowulf’s half-sister, the mystic Ljani the Red, he is the reincarnation of the greatest of all Gothic kings, Bjorn Longspear, the non-pareil Prince of the Lake. This seems unlikely, For Beowulf is a foolish, dreamy youth, scion of a family notorious for double-dealing, and himself the son of a murderer and a whore.

But then Beowulf is called upon to undertake a journey which will make or break him. He faces the perils of outlaws, monsters and shipwreck before his greatest test of all: battle against the Hellian warriors of Ragnar of Torre, a son of Muspelheim. Nor are Beowulf’s adversaries confined to the forces of evil; destiny plays him a cruel trick by pitting him in battle against his kinsman and greatest friend, Hawkeye of Karron Tha.

From humble, even ignominious beginnings, Beowulf rises to become the greatest of all Gothic warriors, whose name to this day remains synonymous with epic legend and the eternal conflict between good and evil.

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